About Us
Advanced Engineering Services supports structured processes for analyzing complex automated and human-intensive systems, especially systems that may behave in unanticipated, unsafe, or otherwise undesirable ways through complex interactions with each other and their environment. By using control theory and systems theory, more efficient and effective design and analysis processes can be created to identify and prevent flaws that are otherwise overlooked. These techniques are applicable to complex automation and systems that are dependent on human interactions and may not only experience human error but may inadvertently induce human error through mode confusion, clumsy automation, and other mechanisms that can be difficult to anticipate.
AES provides education on processes that can create formal models to help identify potentially hazardous or undesirable behaviors and address them. Formal executable and model-based requirements can be generated for software components as well as detection flaws in a set of existing requirements. The same process can be applied to both safety and functional goals of the system, thereby permitting the automated detection of conflicts between safety and other requirements during early system development.
For more info: info@advancedengineeringservices.org